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Selectmen's Minutes 03/26/2007

March 26, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen Stephen White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Frederick Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

ABSENT:  Selectman Emma Smith.

OTHERS PRESENT:  Raymond Teague, Peter Urbach, John Mapley, Ellie White, Betty Tatlock, Mary Epremian, Derek Tatlock, Paul Pratt, Bennie Cooper, Barbara Cooper, Nancy Clark, Donna Gazelle, Cherie Augustinis, Harry Gazelle, Anne Nilsen, Lisa Bozogan, John Waldon, Allison Mollica, Daniel Banks and Howard Sargent.

The meeting was opened by Vice-Chairman Stephen White at 7:02 PM.


Dan Banks offered his services to be appointed to the Energy Committee voted to be formed by a vote of Article 37 at the 2007 Town Meeting.  Donna Nashawaty asked him to fill out a Volunteer Form and return it to the Selectmen’s Office.


Please see copy of agenda attached to the file copy of these minutes.


A.  Bids – 1983 Chevy ¾ Ton Truck

Stephen White opened the one bid received for the truck.  The bid was submitted by Raymond Teague in the amount of $176.00.  D. Nashawaty reminded the Board and Mr. Teague that the truck was being sold as is, as seen.  Motion was made by Richard Leone to accept the bid from Raymond Teague in the amount of $176.00 for the 1983 Chevy truck.  The motion was seconded by William Roach.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

B.  Applications to Alternative Waste Handling Facilities Committee

Donna Nashawaty reported that out of the 7 individuals contacted to be a member on the committee, only two, Ron Verblauw and John Chesson, responded in the affirmative.  Stephen White suggested that this item be tabled until the next Selectmen’s meeting.  He stated that people should keep in mind that not only will an incinerator be investigated,
Board of Selectmen
March 26, 2007

but other means of disposal as well.  Richard Leone asked if Sunapee knew where they would be going at this time.  Donna Nashawaty responded that she and Tony Bergeron were still negotiating with companies and have found that the more they negotiate, the more the price goes down.  William Roach raised the subject of County wide trash removal.  He feels that Sunapee should stay out of any county wide effort because Sunapee would end up paying ¼ of that cost as they are now paying ¼  of the total county budget.  Donna Nashawaty stated that she spoke at the county wide meeting and informed them that she did not believe that Sunapee would want to join and pay since Sunapee’s volume of trash is much less that other communities due to its excellent recycling program.  Dan Banks suggested that the Selectmen stay on top of the matter.  The Board agreed and stated  that is what they are planning to do.


1.  Howard Sargent – Report on Pandemic

Howard Sargent, Emergency Management Director, was present to give the Board an update on the Pandemic, especially as it relates to the Avian Flu.  He stressed that the possibility of the flu reaching the East coast is not just a “might” adding that “it will” come.  A web site to get further information on the flu is  H. Sargent stated that Sunapee is a part of the Greater Sullivan County Region.  They are currently drafting a command center which will be located at the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office.  The GSCR has received grants in the amount of $46,000.  This is being used on Phase I which includes hiring a consultant.  H. Sargent reported that forums are being held and should be completed by the end of June 2007.  Public meetings will be held to get the message across.  H. Sargent expressed his concerns as to time and statistics.  He informed the Board of the danger of the flu and that it can last 8 to 12 weeks.  His team is also concerned whether or not enough hospital beds will be available.  The hospitals working with the team is New London Hospital and Valley Regional in Claremont.    A point of distribution center will need to be mapped out showing facilities, routes, etc.  H. Sargent feels that all Town department heads need to get involved.  The current population of the towns in the region is estimated to be 42,400.  The two hospitals can only provide 1,400 beds.  Acute care facilities are being looked at.  H. Sargent stated that based on statistics, there may be 255 fatalities.  He stressed the extreme level of what could seriously happen and the importance of joining forces.  The disease is spreading from the West coast to the East coast.  H. Sargent is concerned that funding may run out by the time the flu reaches the East coast.  Fred Gallup commented that perhaps being the last area hit, we may be able to gain more knowledge on how to battle the pandemic.  H. Sargent requested the Selectmen’s permission to continue along the same avenue and working with the Greater Sullivan County Region in establishing a Community Emergency Response Team.  H. Sargent stated that he was proud of the community of Sunapee.  The response team has been seeking individuals to volunteer their time in the readiness effort.  Several people

Board of Selectmen
March 26, 2007

within the communities responded and 90% of those responding  are from Sunapee.  A mass mailing will be done to provide the public with information.  This will be completed in mid April.   H. Sargent informed the Board that Sunapee’s Emergency Management Plan needs to be redone and brought up to date.  Grants are available for this.  The time put into rewriting the plan is voluntary.  Motion was made by Fred Gallup that Howard Sargent be authorized to write for a grant request to rewrite Sunapee’s Emergency Plan and to continue working with the Greater Sullivan County Region in preparation for the pandemic.  F. Gallup added that if H. Sargent needs funding for assistance, he could come before the Board to let them know.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  Fred Gallup offered his services to represent the Board of Selectmen in the endeavors of the Emergency Management Response Team.  Donna Nashawaty stated that the Town of Sunapee was very fortunate to have Howard Sargent as its representative and Emergency Management Director.  The Board whole heartedly agreed.

Howard Sargent stated he would come back before the Board with another update at the end of the next quarter.  Harry Gazelle stated that he felt what H. Sargent was doing was very commendable and asked how he could assist.  H. Sargent stated that a mailing will be going out to all residents addressing this.  


C.  Applications Alternate Library Trustee

Donna Nashawaty presented the Board with a copy of the minutes from the Abbott Library Trustee meeting.  The minutes state that the Trustees had five individuals fill out volunteer forms to become an alternate.  The five were; David Brown, Lisa Meehan, Paul Pratt, Mary Epremium and Betty Tatlock.  Stephen White read from state RSA’s which provide that the Selectmen appoint the alternates upon recommendation from the Board of Trustees.  The Trustees voted to recommend three of the applicants.  They are Paul Pratt, Mary Epremium and Betty Tatlock.  Dan Banks stated that there was no discussion at the meeting on the capabilities and qualifications of those that applied.  P. Urbach responded that the volunteer forms were reviewed as well as resumes, and the three individuals the Trustees wish to appoint are very well qualified.  Stephen White stated that he felt the Board should vote on the individuals recommended by the Trustees.  Fred Gallup stated that he felt that the situation was very contentious and as is, the Trustees will not be going anywhere unless they start to work in unison.  He asked the attending Library Trustees if they wished to reconsider their nominations.  Peter Urbach responded that he felt the three recommended would be the best choice as they are  all presently active in the library.  F. Gallup stressed that he would like to see continuity within the library board and the community.  P. Urbach stated that the trustees have decided to appoint the newly elected trustees, Rhonda Gurney and Lisa Bozogan, to be a Building Committee and
Board of Selctmen
March 26, 2007

investigate sites for the new library.  William Roach stated that he felt the Blodgett property owned by the School District on Lower Main St. would make an excellent library.  Motion was made by Fred Gallup to approve the recommendations of the Trustees and appoint Betty Tatlock, Mary Epremium and Paul Pratt as alternates on the Abbott Library Board of Trustees for one year.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  Richard Leone stated that he would vote for the recommendations with the hope that the Trustees can move on in harmony.  He also added that he believed that Emma Smith would vote in favor of the recommendations.   William Roach stated he would vote in favor of the recommendations because he is glad to see that the Trustees have appointed the new members as the Building Committee for the new library.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D.  Application for Cemetery Trustee

Donna Nashawaty presented the Board with copies of a Volunteer Form submitted by Norman Dalton.  He wishes to be appointed as a Cemetery Trustee.  D. Nashawaty reported that N. Dalton is a stone mason and she feels he could be helpful with guidance on repairing stones.  It was the consensus of the Board that Norman Dalton be introduced to Jeff Trow and Robert Haselton, the present trustees, to see if they would recommend the appointment.  

E.  Meeting on April 2, 2007 – Manager Review

The Board scheduled a special meeting to discuss election of officers in open session, then enter into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II (a) personnel.  The meeting will be posted for 5 PM at Town Hall on April 2, 2007.  

F.  Joint Meeting with ZBA, Planning Board, Conservation Commission and Board
 of Selectmen

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that she has scheduled the joint meeting for Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 7 PM at the Safety Services Building  A letter has been sent to each member of all of the boards and committees requesting that they attend.  D. Nashawaty hopes to have an open round table discussion amongst the boards.  She informed the Board that Town Counsel can not make the meeting.  P. Urbach urged D. Nashawaty to have an agenda at the meeting.  D. Nashawaty responded that she asked the Chairmen of each board or committee and did not receive any input.  Therefore, she is planning the open forum type discussion.


Discussion on Selectmen’s appointments to the various boards and committees will be placed on the agenda for the April 9th meeting.
Board of Selectmen
March 26, 2007


The Selectmen approved an abatement of  interest on the tax bill of Star Island Nominee Trust.


D. Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with copies of a letter of resignation from Douglas Munro from the Electronics Communications Committee.  D. Munro cited the reason for his resignation was because he was disappointed with the lack of enthusiasm for the community TV station.  The $10,000 article for this purpose was defeated at the March 13th Town Meeting.  Motion was made by Richard Leone to accept with deep regret the resignation of Douglas Munro from the Electronics Communications Committee and that a letter of thanks signed by the Board be sent to D. Munro.  The motion was seconded by William Roach.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

A review of the list of Selectmen representatives on the various boards and committees was taken.  Richard Leone noted that he had taken the place of Emma Smith on the Crowther Chapel Committee.  Stephen White stated that the list was missing the fact that he is the Board’s representative to the Sullivan County Waste Handling Committee.  Dan Banks stated that he would also like to be involved in the Sullivan County Waste Handling Committee.  D. Nashawaty asked him to note that on his Volunteer Form.  Stephen White noted that it was also missing on the list that he was the Board’s representative to the Lake Sunapee Protective Association. William Roach as Selectmen representative to the Tri-Town Assessing Committee will also be added to the list.  The entire list will be reviewed at the April 9th meeting.

Discussion was held on recycling and the disposal of glass.  Stephen White stated that Tony Bergeron would like to purchase a glass grinder.  He could use the material on ditching and for drainage in other areas.  The glass now goes to New London.  

Donna Nashawaty distributed a pamphlet from NH DES regarding the 2007 Solid Waste Operator Conference.  The conference is scheduled for April 5th, 8 AM to 3:45 PM at The Yard Restaurant in Manchester, NH.  She asked that anyone interested in attending contact her office so that reservations could be made.  She will call John Chesson and Ron Verblauw to see if they want to attend.  

Board of Selectmen
March 26, 2007

Granliden Water Project

Donna Nashawaty distributed copies of construction costs for the Granliden water line project.  The difference in going through the forest to connect the line is considerably lesser than installing the line along Jobs Creek Road.  D. Nashawaty reported that the Conservation Commission has asked the Granliden Association to go before the Society
of the Protection of Forests to see if this line through the forest would be within the easement.  She also stated that she believes it makes more sense to put the line along the road.  Stephen White suggested that a joint meeting be held with the Board of Selectmen, Water and Sewer Commissioners, Tony Bergeron, the Town of New London and the Granliden Association to discuss sharing the cost of such a project to put the line along the Jobs Creek Road.  Fred Gallup stated that he felt there would be benefits to the town in fire protection if the line were placed along the road.  The line would not be accessible for this purpose if placed across the forest.

NH Department of Labor Report

Donna Nashawaty reported to the Board about a meeting she had with the NH Department of Labor.  She showed the Board the personnel packet she has put together for new hires.  The Dept. of Labor was pleased with the report.  D. Nashawaty reported that the fine was reduced to $1,900.00 and she would like to take this out of her contingency budget line item as she feels she may be responsible for the fine.  She reported that since a number of the complaints dealt with minors that were hired in the summer to work for the Recreation Department, Scott Blewitt, Recreation Director, has offered to pay $1,000.00 out of his budget toward the fine.  Motion was made by Fred Gallup to authorize the payment of $1,900.00 to the NH Department of Labor.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Election Law Booklet

Donna Nashawaty reported that she obtained the election laws as requested by Emma Smith.  E. Smith  related to the Board that the Moderator was allowing people into areas that he should not during polling hours.  The Moderator was allowing residents to vote outside of the booths and this is against election law.  Stephen White suggested that the Moderator be reminded that it is his duty to follow the RSA’s pertaining to elections.  D. Nashawaty reported that voters should be putting their ballots into the counting machines.  The Moderator was putting the ballots in himself during the elections.  Fred Gallup suggested that purchasing more booths be investigated to assist with a more effective movement of voters at the polls.  D. Nashawaty encouraged the members of the Board to be a ballot clerk on election day.  This item will be placed on the agenda of the April 9th meeting for further discussion.  

Board of Selectmen
March 26, 2007

Richard Leone will contact someone he knows in Concord to ask for his recommendation on how to handle this matter.  

Application for Use of Town Facilities

Donna Nashawaty distributed a new application for use of Town facilities.  This will replace the old application entitled Use of Recreation Property and will cover not only recreation lands, but the use of the Town Hall and Safety Services Building as well.


Richard Leone stated he was asked from a resident who speaks with the Town’s attorney.?  He responded that the Town Manager did.  D. Nashawaty agreed but added that she is representing the Board of Selectmen when she speaks with counsel and that the Board can, of course, call counsel if they wish to.  

The Board recessed the meeting at 9:55 PM

Motion was made  by Richard Leone at 10:20 PM to reconvene the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.
William Roach raised discussion on an ad in the newspaper.  The ad was advertising a business as being related to Sullivan County government.  After reading more closely, it was determined that the outfit was not in conjunction with the county of Sullivan as work was being offered in the Towns of Lyme and Lebanon.

The meeting adjourned at 10:32 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved_____________________

_____________________________                   ______________________________
Emma M.  Smith, Chairman                                            Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

_____________________________                   ______________________________
William Roach                                                Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup